New Perspectives on AI Futures

‘New Perspectives on AI Futures’ was a workshop series held in spring 2023, funded by the Alan Turing Institute and led by Dr Atoosa Kasirzadeh, Chancellor’s Fellow and Research Lead at the Centre for Technomoral Futures.

Three half-day, hybrid workshops were organized to surface new approaches to human flourishing with AI, bringing together expertise, insights and provocations from regions, sectors, and stakeholder groups often left out of high-level discussions of AI and our futures. These focused on AI futures in relation to themes of sustainability, health & wellbeing, and work & democracy.

Co-designed by the Centre for Technomoral Futures and the Data + Design Lab—both part of the University of Edinburgh’s Futures Institute—these workshops brought together a diverse group of experts. This included those whose direct knowledge and experience of the impact of AI and digital technologies—particularly their impact on the most vulnerable communities, groups and regions—has to date been insufficiently recognised. The workshop series aimed to generate fresh ideas, questions, and collective visions for AI, ultimately producing a set of ‘provocations’ from these new perspectives.

To read more about these workshops and those involved, you can access our report below!