Yuxin Liu

Yuxin Liu

Yuxin’s PhD research project is Human Moral Judgements Towards Artificial Intelligence Systems, co-supervised in the School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences by faculty in Philosophy and Psychology.  

To learn more about Yuxin’s research project visit the project page. 

Yuxin received a MScR degree in Psychology from the University of Edinburgh in 2021. She previously earned an undergraduate MA Honours degree in Psychology from the University of Edinburgh. Her current research involves the interdisciplinary study of moral psychology, including thinking and reasoning, cognitive biases and heuristics, moral intuitions, moral decision-making, and human-AI interaction. She is planning to build on her masters thesis focusing on human moral judgments towards AI to inform the moral/ethical design of AI, and explore the societal and practical implications of AI in the broader landscape of human morality. 
