Alexander Martin Mussgnug

Alexander’s PhD research project is the Role of Measurement in Machine Learning and Ethical Implications of the Philosophy of Measurement, co-supervised in the School of Informatics and the School of Philosophy, Psychology, and Language Sciences.

To learn more about Alexanders’s research project visit the project page.

Upon receiving his undergraduate degree in Economics from the University of Konstanz, Alex worked as a data scientist developing financial AI, retail applications, and storage solutions for automated driving. Motivated by his professional experiences, Alex completed his MA in Bioethics, Tech Ethics, and Science Policy at Duke University as a Fulbright scholar and Science & Society Leadership Award recipient in 2020. Alex is passionate about gaining insights of practical relevance from the intersection of epistemological and normative issues, in particular the philosophy of science and AI ethics. His current research focuses on translating findings from the philosophy of measurement to machine learning.


PhD FellowSteven Scott